Friday, February 11, 2011

A Day in the Life of a Hall Director by Kate Kloepper, Neely Hall Director

A typical day as a Hall Director is never necessarily “typical”. The beauty of the position is that it is dynamic. Although some days are similar, I don’t believe I have ever had the exact same day twice. Microsoft Outlook is a necessity. A typical day has numerous emails, questions, answers, and interactions.

Monday, for example, started off with some email and checking over the RA and Senior Staff duty logs from the weekend. Then, I processed reports for Student Judicial Affairs in the Symplicity website. Upon completion, I scheduled the RA one-on-ones for the week. After lunch, I had my one-on-one with Lindy Wagner, my supervisor. My one on one is a time where I can discuss anything and everything that is going on with me, my staff, my life, or anything else I need advice or guidance on.

After my one on one, I met with Education and Outreach staff member Carolyn Jackson and Faculty/University Associate Dr. Meungguk Park in Neely. Dr. Park requested to hold office hours in Neely on Monday nights twice a month to help the residents with their academic needs.

I finished up the day by completing some paperwork for room changes and answering some staff and student questions.

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