Thursday, October 10, 2013

Student Leader Profile: Camillia Bone

SIU Residence Life has some great things going on, and we want to showcase some of our proud moments on our blog. We also hope people considering working in RA, graduate assistant, or full-time positions with our department will take a minute to learn more about the things we are doing. More information about our department, including position descriptions, application information, and graduate and full-time staff profiles can be found on our recruitment website.

We have some fantastic student leaders in University Housing, and we like to feature them on our blog. Today's post features Camillia Bone. Camillia serves as the President of the Residence Hall Association (RHA).

1. What is your name? Camillia Bone

2. Where are you from? Lincoln, IL

3. What is your major? Communication Disorders and Sciences, minoring in Psychology

4. What is your favorite dining hall food? My favorite dining hall food is nacho cheese fried ravioli.

5. What has been your favorite program or event on campus so far? My favorite program/event put on campus so far would have to be Costume Bash and Bowling that RHA put on last year. I’m really looking forward to it again this year! Note: Costume Bash & Bowling will be Thursday, 10/31/13 from 9-11pm in the Student Center Bowling & Billiards.

6. Where do you hope to be (or what do you hope to be doing) in 2023? In 2023 I hope to be a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist with a family of my own living out in the country.

7. What is the best part about living in University Housing? The best part about living in University Housing would have to be not cooking all of my meals myself and being able to walk right across the street to my classes. 

8. Where do you get your best studying done? I get my best studying done in the hallway of Bowyer.

9. Why did you get involved with your community? I decided to get involved in my community because I wanted to be more than just another student here at Southern Illinois University. I wanted to be able to be a voice that was heard. 

10. Favorite quote? “You get one life, and whatever you do to it and whatever’s done to you, you gotta face it.” – Sandra Bullock

Interested in being our next featured leader? Contact your Hall Director/adviser for more information.

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