Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Student Leader Profile: Kevin Lewis

SIU Residence Life has some great things going on, and we want to showcase some of our proud moments on our blog. We also hope people considering working in RA, graduate assistant, or full-time positions with our department will take a minute to learn more about the things we are doing. More information about our department, including position descriptions, application information, and graduate and full-time staff profiles can be found on our recruitment website.

We have some fantastic student leaders in University Housing, and we like to feature them on our blog. Today's post features Kevin Lewis. Kevin is the President of Ellis House C, in Schneider Hall.

1. What is your name? Kevin Lewis
2. Where are you from? Los Angeles, California
3. What is your major? Theater
4. What is your favorite dining hall food? French fries!
5. What has been your favorite program or event on campus so far? Dawgs Nite Out
6. Where do you hope to be (or what do you hope to be doing) in 2023? In Hollywood, acting in TV and/or films
7. What is the best part about living in University Housing? The people. They're all so lively and interesting
8. Where do you get your best studying done? In my room
9. Why did you get involved with your community? I got involved with my community so I could have my voice heard. And it doesn't hurt to make sure people know who I am
10. Favorite quote? "My every thought was ambitious. Not to be wealthy, not to be learned, but to be great." - General Custer

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