Thursday, February 13, 2014

Meet the RAs! - Alaina Howard

SIU Residence Life has some great things going on, and we want to showcase some of our proud moments on our blog. We also hope people considering working in RA, graduate assistant, or full-time positions with our department will take a minute to learn more about the things we are doing. More information about our department, including position descriptions, application information, and graduate and full-time staff profiles can be found on our recruitment website.

As we recruit new Resident Assistants for the 2014-2015 year, we wanted to introduce a few of the talented individuals currently on our team. This profile features Alaina Howard, RA in Warren Hall!

What’s your name? Alaina Howard

Where are you from? Palatine, Illinois

What’s your major? Double major in Fashion Design and Fashion Merchandising with a minor in Marketing

What is the best program or event you’ve been to on campus? Tea time in Kellogg Hall!!!

What was the last book you read for fun? Vogue's September issue (it is longer that most books) 

What is your favorite thing about being an RA? Being able to guide the incoming students into college life 

How else are you involved at SIU (in addition to being an RA)? I am the current president of the College of Applied Science and Arts Ambassadors and active member and old president of the Fashion Design and Merchandising Association

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? In 10 years I will hopefully be in a high position at a fashion company or under a designer house. 

What is your favorite quote?I have two! “I don’t do fashion. I AM fashion.”—Coco Chanel and "Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it.”—Yves Saint Laurent

What do you do to unwind when you’re feeling stressed? I like to close my eyes while listening to some calming classical music.

Are you an RA and would like to be featured? Talk to your Hall Director about submitting your profile information.

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