Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Meet the RAs! - Rachel Homewood

SIU Residence Life has some great things going on, and we want to showcase some of our proud moments on our blog. We also hope people considering working in RA, graduate assistant, or full-time positions with our department will take a minute to learn more about the things we are doing. More information about our department, including position descriptions, application information, and graduate and full-time staff profiles can be found on our recruitment website.

As we recruit new Resident Assistants for the 2014-2015 year, we wanted to introduce a few of the talented individuals currently on our team. This profile features Rachel Homewood, RA in University Hall!

1. What's your name? Rachel Homewood

2. Where are you from? Northern Illinois

3. What's your major? Early Childhood Education: Child and Family Services

4. What is the best program or event you've been to on campus? I am a personal fan of Dawgs Nite Out. Every time that event is put on I have an amazing time.

5. What was the last book you read for fun? I just finished reading The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks.

6. What is your favorite thing about being an RA? I truly enjoy the connections that are made while being an RA. As an RA there are opportunities put into place that allow us to meet people of many diverse backgrounds. It helps to open up the mind to new ideas and experiences.

7. How else are you involved at SIU? I am very involved in my major (education) and am often in classrooms or doing other administrative tasks!

8. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? This is the hardest question, I just hope that I have my ducks in a row in 10 years. I want to be surrounded by the people that I love and hopefully be working in a place I enjoy that I am able to help many families.

9. What is your favorite quote? “No one can "get" an education, for of necessity education is a continuing process.” -Louis L'Amour

10. What do you do to unwind when you're feeling stressed? I love to craft, or just look at Pinterest thinking of what I can make!

Are you an RA and would like to be featured? Talk to your Hall Director about submitting your profile information.

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